Thursday, February 17, 2011

Vein Viewer Donated to Bluewater Health MIC Program

Thanks to the efforts of the Kiwanis Club of the Seaway in cooperation with TV Cogeco, $20,500.00 has been donated from their TV Bingo to the Maternal/Infant/Child Program's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for the purchase of a "Vein Viewer".  This piece of equipment is very beneficial for the Doctors and Nurses when trying to initiate an intravenous on a new born baby.  It highlights the veins anywhere on the body so makes accessing a vein in the hand much easier.  Required medication can then be administered more quickly than in the past.
 Dr. Nashed Rached and NICU Staff Nurse Tracy demonstrating the Vein Viewer on 60 hr old Baby Liam.
 The light of the Vein Viewer highlights the vein's in baby Liam's hand.
 Left to right:  Jennifer McCullough (Seaway Kiwanis Board member), Seaway Secretary Donna Kelso, President Ken Machan, Dr. Rashed, Maria Muscedere, Bluewater Health Foundation, Lt. Governor Sheila Donald, Kelly Ross, Manager of MIC Program and Seaway's YCPO Chair Don Burnard presenting the cheque.
Please click on the following link to see a video presentation by Dr. Rashed on the Vein Viewer.
Many Thanks to the Kiwanis Club of the Seaway for their continued service to the community and Children of Sarnia-Lambton.  Parents and newborns at Bluewater Health are thankful for your generous donation.
Yours in Kiwanis Service,
LG Sheila 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day!
Take some time out of your day to thank the one's that you hold dear to your heart and think of those that are less fortunate.
LG Sheila

Division 3 DCM - February 12, 2011

Good Day Fellow Kiwanians!
Our second quarter District Council Meeting was held in Chatham, Ontario on Saturday, Feb. 12, 2011.  9 out of 10 clubs in the division were represented, with a total of 33 in attendance.  Special guests were Peter Tudisco, candidate for Governor Elect for 2011-2012, Allan Ure, Past LG of Division 4 and Ron Deichert, Past LG of Division 5 who are both running for the new position of Trustee for Region A.  Ron was accompanied by his wife Debbie and another Kiwanis Club of Stratford member.  Thank you to Peter for his vision for the future of Eastern Canada and the Caribbean District should he become Governor Elect.  Thank you to Allen and Ron for their presentations on why they wish to become the Trustee for Region A.  We look forward to hearing you again at the Regional Trustee Election meeting in Ingersoll on Saturday, March 26th. 
PLG Don Burnard, HIV/Aids Project lead for Division 3 gave an update of where we are with our donations and reminded all present that even though you may have already reached your pledge limit, further donations will always be accepted.  PLG Don also donated $500.00 personally to the HIV/Aids Project and becomes a "Champion of Change".  Thank you Don!
Thank you to all that took the time out of their day to attend this meeting, especially those that had to travel on less than optimal roads to get to Chatham.  Minutes of the meeting will be forwarded soon once all reports have been compiled or scanned.  With most arriving by 09:30am, there was ample time for fellowship and discussion as evidenced by the pictures below.


Many thanks to everyone for making this a very successful meeting!  Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our District Convention in Collingwood!
LG Sheila 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Governor's Message for February 2011

Eastern Canada and the Caribbean District
Home Club : Kiwanis Club de Schoelcher, Martinique, Division 26
Adresse Postale / Postal Address : 63 Les Hauts de Terreville ‐97233 Schoelcher
E‐mail :
Tél : 596 596 521 919 Cell: 596 696 452 683 Télécopieur Fax: 596 596 522 405
"Youth is our Hope. Let‘s get them ready so that they have the strength to face tomorrow."
7 February 2011
Kiwanis Friends,
The year has started with much Kiwanis activity, congratulations to the Lieutenant
Governors for their contribution. I was able to travel to Barbados and join Lieutenant Governor Louis at the Charter of the first 3‐2‐1 club in our District. Congratulations to Lieutenant Governor Anthony for the recent induction of 25 members in Division 23W.
Fellow Kiwanis let us together renew our efforts to energize and grow
Kiwanis! A contribution from each one of you is required to achieve this.
Our last ever Mid Winter meeting was held in St. Lucia and our Lieutenant Governors reaffirmed their commitment to reaching the goals that I have set for this administrative year. We must together continue in earnest to reach the goals for our HIV/AIDS District project for the Children. I am encouraging each
club to double their efforts to reach this goal.
Ahead of us in February is the task of selecting our Regional Trustees, this must be completed before March 31, 2011. All clubs are expected to take part in this. Your Lieutenant Governor or the District office is ready to provide you with further guidance on this very important development in the administration of our District.
In my travels, I met several of you who are passionate and committed to Kiwanis. I have promised to share my Governor’s pin with each one of you who brings one! I hope to see as many of you as possible in Collingwood.

Your Governor and friend in Kiwanis
Paul Toussaint
Governor 2010 ‐2011