Monday, June 20, 2011

Division 3 Club Officer Training Day

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Incoming club officer training was held for Division 3 on Saturday, June 18th at the Victoria Ave. United Church in Chatham, Ontario.  26 participants gathered to share fellowship and to be educated by Divisional Trainers Debbie Button and Shelley Des Cotes.  4 participants where from Division 4 and Division 5. 
There was new content in the training this year which was taken over by Kiwanis International in an attempt to ensure that all incoming club officers where given the same information for their year as leaders.  It was extremely helpful that the trainers could show the Kiwanis One web site LIVE to the participants and could guide them through some of it's contents.  The trainers answered many questions that some of the repeating club officers had with regard to where something could be located on the web site.  All in all, the day was quite successful.
Below are pictures from the day.
Trainers Shelley DesCotes and Debbie Button

Many thanks to those that took the time out of beautiful weekend to participate.  For those that missed training, a make-up day will be set in early September.
LG Sheila 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Elmira Kiwanis hosts LOBSTERFEST

May 28th, 2011
The Kiwanis Club of Elmira and President Ron Wagner have again successfully held a wonderful fundraiser in Division 5 - Elmira Lobsterfest.  This was the 30th year for this event held at the Elmira Lions Hall.  There were 2 sittings of a maximum 400 people at each.  The first sitting started at 5pm and the second one started at 6:30pm.  The late sitting also included the dance!  Each sitting provided you with a 1 1/2 lb. Lobster along with Prime Rib, baked potato, beans, coleslaw, roll, butter and ending with fresh homemade pie!  5 Kiwanians from Division 3 along with their spouses made the trip to Elmira to participate.
Below is future Lt. Gov. Bud Orr from the Kiwanis Club of Forest showing his skills at eating lobster!  Well done Bud!!
Stay tuned................maybe Lobsterfest will come to Sarnia!
LG Sheila