Friday, August 12, 2011

Division 3 Clubs continue with their Summer Projects

August 12, 2011
I am happy to report that most clubs in Division 3 continue with their summer programs which also include many summer projects.  
The Kiwanis Club of Leamington continues to host many youth at their Boys and Girls camp just outside of Leamington.  The Kiwanis Club of Windsor also is providing excellent experiences and learning opportunities for youth at their Sunshine Point Kiwanis Camp near Harrow, Ontario.   This year has been particularly difficult for the Kiwanis Club of Windsor.  Mother nature has not been kind to them.  Their main lodge has been damaged due to excessive rain, creating a mold and water damage issue.  This prompted the closing of the building and the necessity to rent a very large tent for the summer.  Despite this set back, the camp counsellors and children put on skits for Kiwanians at their annual "Kiwanis Night".  I was pleased to attend this event along with supporters from the Kiwanis Club of Windsor East and the Kiwanis Club of Windsor, parents and friends.  We all left with a feeling of "this is why I belong to Kiwanis".    It makes me proud to know that the work that we do shows in ways we can sometimes never imagine. 
Many clubs are having BBQ's which are always great fun to attend.  The fellowship opportunities are bountiful.  I recently attended a BBQ hosted by Lois Mitchell of the Chatham-Kent Golden K club.
It was a beautiful setting and the food was delicious.
Another BBQ I attended was at the home of Martin and Annemarie Brunner, incoming President for the Kiwanis Club of Forest.  Again, another wonderful setting with great fellowship.
The Kiwanis Club of Sarnia hosted a BBQ for the Boys and Girls Club day camp attendees on August 9th at the Lochiel Kiwanis Community Centre.  54 children and 6 leaders were served BBQ'ed hot dogs, chips and a drink.  I am happy to say that 75% of the club membership participated in this event. 
As recently reported, we are very close to our $1 million dollar goal for our district Children's Project.Please keep the donations coming!!!  Some of us can afford to dig a little deeper to save a child's life.
The Sarnia-Lambton Golden K members assisted with the Children's Funfest held recently at Centennial Park.  Many thanks to the membership for the volunteer hours put in on this project.
Members of the Sarnia Club and the Sarnia-Lambton Golden K shared time together at Hiawatha Rack Track on Aug. 10th.  A wonderful meal, great entertainment and fellowship was enjoyed by 17 members and spouses.  There were some "big" winners who bet on the horses, won and turned around and donated the winnings to the District Children's Project!  What a wonderful gesture!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Soon we will be back to our regular meetings and onto the ELIMINATE Project which was officially launched in Geneva in July.  The Lead for this project for the next year for our District is Mary Alice Marchand from the Chatham-Kent Golden K.  Mary Alice will be doing presentations to the clubs and encouraging all of us to do what we can to fund raise for this very worthwhile cause.  I look forward to introducing Mary Alice to all club members in the division.
Club Officer installations begin Sept. 20th and complete on Oct. 20th.  Gov. Designate Janet's tag line is "Serving with Passion".  Lets keep the momentum going and serve our communities and the children of the world with "PASSION" which I know is in every Kiwanian.  See you all very soon!
LG Sheila

Monday, August 1, 2011

Division 3 LG BBQ

Thursday, July 28, 2011
On July 28th the Division 3 LG BBQ was held at my home in Point Edward, Ontario.  40 Kiwanians and guests attended the event to share fellowship, food and to raise a bit of money for the EC&C District Children's project.  To prepare for bad weather, the Pergola and part of the backyard where covered in tarps.  As fate would have it, it sprinkled a bit but not the heavy rain that happened the night before or the morning of the event!  I would like to thank everyone for attending and supplying such wonderful food.  A total donation of $200.00 will be made on behalf of the clubs of Division 3 to the District Children's project.  This money combines money raised at the BBQ, personal donations and money donated at my last 2 DCM's.
I look forward to my continued role as the Division 3 LG and working with the clubs over the next Kiwanis year.
 Relaxing under the shade of the tarp!
 Watching the action at the "Washer Toss" game.
 Competitors discussing the finer details of how to play "Washer Toss"!

 Ted Fullerton demonstrates that accuracy is all in the throwing technique!
 Forest club and Sarnia-Lambton Golden K club members in fellowship.
LG Sheila