Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Time is Here!

Good Day Fellow Kiwanians!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  Division 3 clubs can now say this due to our latest accumulation of snow!  We are catching up with our fellow Kiwanians in Division 4, 5 and 6 who received an unpresidented amount of the white stuff last week. 
As I reflect on the past year, I find myself being thankful for all the new friends I have made through Kiwanis.  I am thankful for my health, my passion for life and my desire to assist my fellow human beings in the best possible manner that I can.  I am thankful for my partner Kevin (in front) and for my son Michael. 

During this season of giving, please remember those less fortunate. If you are able, do what you can for them.  This is the heart and soul of what a Kiwanian really is.  They give of themselves with open hearts and minds. 
I wish all of you a safe and healthy Christmas Season and great joy and happiness for the coming year.

LG Sheila Donald

HIV/Aids December 2010 Newsletter

OF $255,648 FOR

Dear Fellow Kiwanians,

I am pleased to announce that as of November 30, 2010 the Kiwanians of E.C. and C. have raised $538,707 in cash and pledges for our District Children’s Project in partnership with UNICEF.

Our contribution to date of $145,824.00 for programming in Guyana is helping to provide crucial support towards the national Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Program (PMTCT.)

UNICEF has utilized our funds towards a range of activities that are currently benefiting hundreds of children throughout several regions of the country. This includes the establishment of PMTCT sites in hinterland communities, mobile outreach to remote communities, and support to strengthen the Ministry of Health’s national PMTCT activities.

UNICEF has advised us that it is now time to move on - move on to Jamaica to support the children there who desperately need our help.
I am pleased to advise that on November 2, 2010 the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada forwarded $255,648 in District Project funds as the first installment of our $399,000 commitment to the children of Jamaica. .

Once our obligation is honoured in Jamaica, we will then move on to help the Children of Trinidad and Tobago.

In order to keep our promises however, we must complete the job by putting further plans in place to reach our $1,000,000 goal.  We must ensure that pledges previously made by clubs are honoured and we must encourage those clubs that have yet to make a contribution, to do so as quickly as possible. 

We will keep the promise we all made. We will change the world one child and one community at a time. We will finish the job.

Thank you for all that you have done and thank you for all that you will do to keep our promise.

Yours in Kiwanis,
Governor Paul

Why do the Children of Jamaica Need our Help?

With a population of over 2.6 million, 37% of which are children, Jamaica is experiencing ageneralized HIV epidemic.  The estimated HIV prevalence rate is currently 1.5 to 2%.  While all the parishes of the country are affected by the epidemic, the island’s most urbanized parishes of Kingston, St. Andrew and St. James, have consistently recorded the highest number of AIDS cases at 737 cases per 100,000 persons.  Tourism, which is the island’s main source of income, is believed to be a significant contributing factor.

The good news is that in 2006, the rate of transmission of HIV from a mother living with HIV to her child was 10% compared to 25% in 2002. This was at a time prior to the introduction of services to prevent transmission of HIV from mother to child.

By 2007, the HIV prevalence rate among pregnant women had been reduced to 1.6% and it has remained in the 1.5 to 2% range for the past several years.

In 2008, the National HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Programme reported that 90% of pregnant women who accessed antenatal care in public health facilities received voluntary confidential counselling and testing for HIV.  Of those who tested positive, 84% received anti-retroviral (ARV) medication for the prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV. Among the HIV exposed babies born in the public sector, 98% received ARV medication to further guard against HIV transmission from their mothers.

In 2008, Jamaica’s rate of mother to child transmission of HIV fell below 5%.  When compared to the mother to child transmission baseline of 25% established in 2003, prior to the advent of the PMTCT programme, the difference is significant. However, efforts must now be accelerated achieve the ultimate goal of reducing transmission to under 2%.

Many challenges still exist in delivering services to children like our Kayla and their mothers. The Government of Jamaica has been working to reduce its heavy debt burden and navigate through the global economic crisis. This process has negatively affected the health system’s ability to deliver PMTCT services to HIV positive pregnant women, their children and partners and threatens to see a reversal in the progress made to date.  The contributions of The Eastern Canada and Caribbean District of Kiwanis International will help to support this critical situation. 

BECOME a Champion for Children

A very special District Project announcement was made at the Saint John convention this past August.   Past Governor Chuck McIlravey and Past Lieutenant Governor Kim Conrad presented the details of the new Champions for Children program to recognize individuals who donate $500 or more to the District Children’s Project. 

You are invited to join the many generous Kiwanians of our District who have already made their own personal donation to our District Project.

Champion donors will receive the coveted and stylish “Champions for Children” ball cap!

Cheques should be made payable to:
Kiwanis Foundation of Canada,
P O Box 5034,   Brantford ON    N3T 6J7

When submitting a donation for the District Children’s Project to the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada, please be sure that you mark the donation DISTRICT CHILDREN’S PROJECT.  Without this note of direction, the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada will assume it is a donation being made to their general fund.

Merry Christmas
from the District Children’s Project Committee!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Governor's Visit Pictures and Donation by Seaway

Good Day Fellow Kiwanians!
As promised, I am posting more pictures of the Governor's visit.
 Governor Paul and First Lady Christiane's visit to the Leamington Kiwanis Boys and Girls Camp.
President Lloyd Honey (in shirt and tie) next to LG Sheila.  Other members of the Leamington Kiwanis Club were also present and escorted Gov. Paul and Christiane on a walking tour of the camp.
 Seaway President Ken Machan presents a cheque to Divisional HIV/Aids Chair Don Burnard and Past Chair Dave Allen.
Left to right - President Ken Machan, Mike Walters from the YMCA and member John Moore present a
cheque to the YMCA for their Strong Kid's Campaign.

LG Sheila

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Governor's Visit to Division 3 - Nov. 21 - 23rd

Governor Paul Toussaint and First Lady Christiane visited clubs within Division 3 between Nov. 21st and 23rd.
LG Sheila was their official "Tour Guide", Chauffeur and body guard!  In total 842 KM were covered in just 2 days visiting clubs between Chatham, Windsor and Forest.  The 3rd day of his visit was confined to the Sarnia area clubs and projects.  Below are some pictures taken during Governor Paul's visit.
 Left to Right - President Bonnie Barnes, Chatham Club, First Lady Christiane, LG. Sheila, Gov. Paul and President Janet Braddon of Chatham-Kent Golden K at Chatham area dinner Nov. 21st.
 Past President Norm Tomback of Forest Club and Gov. Paul at Forest dinner meeting Nov. 22nd.
 Gov. Paul presenting 90 yrs young Ivan Mater of the Sarnia-Lambton Golden K a "Light the Fire" within Kiwanis pin from President Sylvester Neal at their morning meeting Nov. 23rd.
 Left to right - Fist Lady Christiane, President Allan McPhee of the Sarnia club, Gov. Paul, Bev MacDougall, Executive Director of the Lochiel Kiwanis Community Centre and Stan Zagrodney, Chair of the Sarnia Kiwanis Foundation that operates the LKCC in cooperation with the City of Sarnia as a community centre during a tour of the centre Nov. 23rd.
 Left to right - President Ken Machan of Seaway Kiwanis, President Jim Brady, Sarnia-Lambton Golden K, Gov. Paul and President Allan McPhee of the Sarnia Kiwanis Club receiving the Governor's Bannerette and his pin at the Seaway meeting Nov. 23rd.
 Left to right - President Ken Machan, First Lady Christiane, Gov. Paul, Seaway members Frank and Paul during their tour of the Kiwanis Pavilion at Canatara Park Nov. 23rd.
 First Lady Christiane, Gov. Paul and Manager Kelly Ross of the Maternal Infant Child program at Bluewater Health in Sarnia, Ontario
 First Lady Christiane, Gov. Paul and President Elect John Foley from the Kiwanis Club of Windsor during a very wet tour of the Sunshine Point Kiwanis Camp in Harrow, Ontario Nov. 22nd.
Gov. Paul, President Ram Sridhar, Kiwanis Club of Windsor, President Betty Vollmer, Windsor East Kiwanis Club and President Bill Holzel, Windsor-Roseland Golden K at the Luncheon meeting Nov. 22nd.
More pictures of his visit will be posted as they become available.  
THANK YOU to all clubs for their efforts during the Governor's visit.  We have proven that we can work as a team which truly supports the goal of every Kiwanian - to serve the Children of the World.

LG. Sheila

Region "A" Growth Summit - Nov. 20, 2010 and Regionalization

London, Ontario -
On Saturday, November 20th, Division 3, 4, 5 and 6 clubs came together for the first time for a Growth Summit conducted by PG Chuck McIlravey.  The day was full of information, idea sharing and fellowship.  With regionalization being approved at the last District Convention in St. John, New Brunswick, the LG's of the above divisions decided at convention to put on this summit as a precursor to the reformation into Regions.  We have proven that Kiwanis can change and function more effectively within a region as well as within our own individual divisions.  This is not to say that the divisions will be disbanded - on the contrary.  Divisions will stay intact as they are today with the Division LG being responsible for education, training and support to the clubs.  Regional meetings will be held at various times throughout the year much like the Growth Summit so that information sharing can happen between all divisions in each region.  Many thanks go to LG. Jim Scott of Division 4 who was the major organizer of the summit.  Many positive comments have been received regarding this effort and word is quickly spreading that other "Regions" need to embrace the change and follow our example.
Pictured above are participants of the Growth Summit and PG Chuck.
PG Chuck giving us his words of wisdom.
Even Santa Claus paid us  visit because he was interested in starting a Kiwanis Club at the North Pole.  In this picture Santa and PG Chuck are presenting Gov. Paul Toussaint a gift of Canada mittens and a scarf to keep him warm during his visit to Ontario Clubs.
LG. Sheila Donald

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 5 - 7th Key Leader Event

Hello Fellow Kiwanians!
Between Nov. 5 to 7th, PLG Don Burnard and myself attended the Key Leader weekend at the Circle Square Ranch in Brantford, Ontario.  67 youth attended this event.  I came away from it rejuvenated and full of hope and excitement for our future.  I had a goal for myself for the weekend - to learn about today's youth and to learn to re-connect with them.  I certainly accomplished my goal! 
It was wonderful to see the changes that can happen over just 44 hours.  Youth that were shy when they arrived left as outgoing, smiling people that made new friends, learned how to work as a team, how to take responsibility, how to create a community and learned how to communicate effectively with one another and the people in the world around them.  It is truly amazing how so much can be accomplished in such a short period of time.  4 students attended this event from Sarnia.  Below is a picture of them with PLG Don Burnard and the KI facilitator - Jenny.
Pictured left to right are PLG Don Burnard (Key Leader Advisor) ,Jessica Stevenson, sponsored by the Seaway, Deana Rushon, sponsored by the Sarnia-Lambton Golden K, Facilitator Jenny from KI, Jenny LaFaive, sponsored by the Seaway and Kaitlynn Anderson, sponsored by the Sarnia club. 
Key Leader is a great "value added" program that I would like to see all clubs in Division 3 support.  A commitment to sponsor any number of youth on a yearly basis would be great.  They do not have to be a member of a Key Club.  The sponsored youth can be a neighbour's child, a scout, a guide, a member of your local Boys and Girls club or any other group for youth.  I can't say enough positive things about this program.
The youth of today are the ones that are going to be leading us tomorrow and so it is very important that they learn the skills necessary to fulfill this obligation.  Key Leader is an excellent way for this to be the foundation for them. 
Some examples of true teamwork to get a job done -

Upcoming Events - 
Growth Seminar - London, Ontario - Nov. 20th
Don't forget about the Growth Seminar in London, Ontario on Nov. 20th.  If your club is concerned about sustainability of the club or project then it is extremely important that you send representation to this event.
Information regarding it has been sent to all clubs in Division 3. 

Governor Paul's visit to Division 3 Nov. 21 - 23rd.
The time is fast approaching when Governor Paul and his wife Christiane will be arriving in Division 3.  Let's all do our best to make them feel welcome in our area.  Several meals have been organized during their time with us.  Please make every effort to have your club represented to at least one of these events.  Information regarding all meals has previously been distributed to all clubs via e-mail with the required contact information for each.  Please support me by your presence at one of these events.

Yours in Kiwanis Service,
LG Sheila