Monday, February 6, 2012


January 24, 2012
Mary Alice Marchand, Division 3 Coordinator for the ELIMINATE project has officially started her visits to Div. 3 clubs to give the first of several presentations on the Kiwanis world wide service project - ELIMINATE.  Mary Alice attended both the Sarnia-Lambton Golden K meeting and the Kiwanis Club of the Seaway meeting on January 24th to speak to club members about this project, the timeline and expectations from each club.  EC&C have entered into this project late due to our commitment to the District Children's Project which rapped up Sept. 31, 2011.  ELIMINATE is a 5 yr. project to eliminate maternal neo-natal tetanus which causes the deaths of thousands of babies every year in 39 countries worldwide. 
Ilene and Kathie came along with Mary Alice and George so they could count the visit as an inter-club.
After Mary Alice's Presentation to the Seaway members, Don Burnard, Seaway's YCPO Chair, presented her with a cheque for $1000.00 for the ELIMINATE project.
LG Sheila