Friday, December 23, 2016

2015 - 2016 Distinguished Clubs Announced

Hello Division 3:

2015-2016 Governor Allen Ure has announced that 103 or 42% of the clubs in EC&C have achieved Distinguished status. The list of clubs can be found by clicking here.
Governor Allen offers his praise and thanks for the hard work all the 245 clubs performed in 2015-2016. He especially wants to thank those clubs who met the targets set and achieved 'Distinguished Status'. These clubs will receive a club banner patch and will be recognized in the program at the District Convention in Ottawa.

I am pleased to announce on behalf of PLG Cathy Telfer that 5 out of the 7 clubs in Division 3 have achieved Distinguished Status for the 2015-2016 Kiwanis year. 
Congratulations to the Past Presidents and Secretaries and all the members of each club that have worked tirelessly over the past year to make the lives of children in our own communities and in the global community a little more pleasant.
Chatham-Kent, Forest, Sarnia-Lambton Golden K, Seaway Sarnia and Windsor clubs - my hat is off to you all!

LG David

Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas Greetings

Christmas Greetings

It is the week before Christmas and everything is a buzz with parties here and there.  Salvation Army Kettles to staff, Christmas trees to sell and construction work to finish before it gets any colder.  Our Division is obviously busy in many different ways.  It shows the diversity of the clubs.
All the boards have been working hard.  Members have been working hard too as we have been inducting new members.  If your club has not inducted a new member this quarter, plan on doing so by March.
Talking of members, it was a thrill to present the “Legion of Honour” pin to Bill Hutchinson, a Charter member of the Kiwanis Club of Leamington to mark 60 years of service to his community, a truly inspiring accomplishment.  I presented the pin to Bill at a surprise celebration on November 17.  Family and friends from several clubs in the Division surprised him.  We wish Bill continued good health.
 Bill receiving his 60 yr. Legion of Honour Certificate from LG David Murray
Bill receiving a Certificate of Appreciation from Trustee Sheila Donald on behalf of Gov. Phil Rossy

Thursday, October 20, 2016

LG Blog spot #1 - Oct. 20, 2016

Hello Fellow Kiwanians!
It is a new year for Kiwanis and the fun year has begun. I am grateful for all the officers and directors who agreed to stand for election and were elected.  Remember to make sure to have fun during the year and thank all who volunteer at the club activities.  Also be sure to join in the fellowship of your club.

I have been to every club in the division and installed the officers and directors for this year.  It was a pleasure to visit each and every club and meet everyone.  There was palpable excitement as the clubs talk about and plan to move the clubs forward.
Thank you for the warm welcome extended to my wife Daphne and myself.

As you know the Kiwanis I-Plan is the focus for this year and I hope that each club can think about where the club will be in 5 years time.  With a goal in mind we can plan the way to get there.  Please take a look at the Club Planning Tool with that in mind.  I sent that to all clubs earlier for your consideration.  I know some clubs have already started identifying where they want to be in 2021.  I am always available to come and help if you so wish.

Along with the strategic plan we need to identify the membership, or Inspiration chair, and the PR, or Image chair for each club.  I am hoping they will be able to communicate regularly by using electronic means.  3 of us tested an application called “JoinMe” and it worked well once we learned the tricks.

All this work is to ensure we are there for the Kids whenever they need us.

We dream “of a world where every child is happy, healthy, safe and loved.”
#Kids need Kiwanis                                        
LG David Murray