Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Division 3 Clubs Work Together

Saturday, April 20, 2013
We hoped the day would be warm and friendly but alas, our dreams were shattered!  The sun was out but the wind was from the north and the temperature was not exactly warm, but the work went on.
Members from the Sarnia-Lambton Golden K, Forest Kiwanis and Windsor Kiwanis clubs joined members of the Leamington Kiwanis club at the Leamington Kiwanis Boys and Girls Camp for their annual clean up day.  Several other volunteers from the community were also in attendance to lend a helping hand.  LG Bud did a wonderful job of filling the pot holes!  He sure can shovel and rake gravel!  After 2 hrs. of hard labour both inside and outside, the Leamington club hosted lunch.  Hot dogs never tasted so good!!!
 Windsor club President Ram leaning on his rake talking to Leamington club President James
Not much work being done!
 Charlene and Beth scrubbing down the kitchen
 The workers at lunch
 A great day was had by all!
 Sarnia-Lambton Golden K President Mike and Leamington Past President Leo enjoying the moment.
The young person in front was having a great time!
  Collecting winter's left-overs.

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