Monday, July 1, 2013

Canada-US Goodwill Banquet April 2013

April 30, 2013
Another very successful Canada US Goodwill Banquet was held on Tuesday, April 30th at the Port Huron Golf Club.  The event was hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Bluewater Area.  This is a time when members from Division 3 of Michigan and Division 3 of the Eastern Canada and Caribbean District come together to celebrate Kiwanis, share fellowship and to raise a little for the children of the world.  Division 3 LG Bud Orr created a way of raising funds for the ELIMINATE project.  His idea was to carry a gas can to every event that he attends and to pass around the can seeking out donations.  We won't be able to know the results of his 2 year collection until the end of his term as LG but I know that through the generosity of everyone Bud comes in contact with, many lives will be saved in the end.  
Unfortunately Bud forgot his gas can on the Canadian side of the border for this event so anything will do in a pinch!  
LG Bud and his "substitute gas can" at the Canada US Goodwill Banquet - Keep up the great work Bud!
Posted by PLG Sheila Donald

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