Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Chatham-Kent Aktion Club attends Convention

June 6, 2013
Members of the Chatham-Kent Aktion Club attending the Kiwanis Aktion Club convention held recently in Toronto, Ontario.  Many thanks go to Rob Ralston, Golden K advisor and Rhonda Campbell, Aktion Club advisor for Community Living for getting the group to the day of fun, fellowship and education.
 Ryan Priebe, Virginia Hickmott, Terri Bell, Patty Mallott, Rhonda Campbell( Aktion Club Advisor for Community Living)
Patty Mallott, Virginia Hickmott, Terry Bell, Rhonda Campbell and Ryan Priebe
Virginia Hickmott, Patty Mallott, Terri Bell, Rhonda Campbell, Ryan Priebe

 Virginia Hickmott and Ryan Priebe

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